CIC BIM Standards Stakeholders Consultation Seminar
(Final draft of Phase B and first draft of Phase C)

Since January 2019, CIC has organised several briefing and consultation seminars on the general development principles and the details of the BIM Standards of Statutory Plan Submission. Comments and feedback have been received. The final deliverable of the BIM Standards for Phase A* will be published very soon. Besides, the final draft of Phase B and first draft of Phase C of the BIM Standards have also been prepared.

*Phase A: Superstructure Plan, Foundation Plan and Demolition Plan included Hoarding.
 Phase B: Excavation and Lateral Support (E&LS) Plan, Site Formation Plan and Ground Investigation Plan.
 Phase C: Drainage Plan and Curtain Wall.

To ensure that the BIM Standards could meet the industry needs and align with the expectations of the industry, we are organising the following two sessions of “BIM Standards Stakeholders Consultation Seminars” to walkthrough the details of the final draft of Phase B and first draft of Phase C of the BIM Standards.


Content / Rundown:

Presentation & demonstration of the BIM Standards, User Guides and Software Templates for Phase B:

  1. Excavation and Lateral Support (E&LS) Plan
  2. Site Formation Plan
  3. Ground Investigation Plan

Presentation & demonstration of the first draft of BIM Standards for Phase C:

  1. Drainage Plan
  2. Curtain Wall

Target Audience:

  • Professionals participated in projects administered under Building Ordinance: AP/RSE/RGE;
  • Architectural, Engineering, Construction and Operations (AECO) industry practitioners who have experience in Statutory Plan Submission or Statutory Plan Preparations;
  • BIM practitioners;
  • Building Professionals in Hong Kong construction industry
CIC BIM Standards Stakeholders Consultation Seminar
(Final draft of Phase B and first draft of Phase C)
Date (Selective)
14 October 2019 (Mon.) or 15 October 2019 (Tue.)
09:30 am – 11:30 am
29/F, Tower 2, Enterprise Square Five (MegaBox),
38 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay
(Presentation material in English)
Representative of CIC and its consultant

Note for Application:

  • This seminar is part of a series of BIM Standards Stakeholders Consultation Seminars organised by CIC.
  • The number of participants is restricted to about 60 per seminar.
  • Application deadline is on 11 October 2019 (Friday).
  • Interest parties, please fill out the Application Form and send back to
  • A separate email will be sent to you to confirm your enrollment by 11 October 2019.
  • For Enquiries, please contact Mr. Lok FUNG (from CIC) at 2100 9649.
Apply Now

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Hong Kong Institute of Civil and Building Information Management (HKICBIM) is a newly formed institute which provides an informative platform for civil and building counterparts to network and exchange civil Building Information Modeling (BIM) knowledge. HKICBIM aims to foster technological innovation and accelerate the adoption of Civil and Building Information Modeling Management in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) industry.

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