Not only animation, but also a lifecycle asset


With its widely proven merits throughout the complete and even sustainable life span of architectural work across numerous correlated disciplines, Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been in vast adoption all over the world, demonstrating its growing prevalence in the profession. The Hong Kong SAR government displayed such in mandating that all centrally-funded architectural work must be carried out using BIM, while the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry in Hong Kong has as well been showcasing a rich flow of information and ideas regarding the implementation of BIM in not only building but also civil projects.

Worth the effort in design phase

It has been acknowledged in great degree that BIM serves as a shared data resource which incorporates user-friendly 3D designs, spatial relationships, geographic analysis and light estimation, along with the details of the building components such as their properties and quantities. It is of significant worth to be attended to the investment of BIM as the management of a project, from its design phase to construction, operation, maintenance and if necessary, demolition is on an instant basis guarded with efficiency and accuracy. The virtual construction and pre-analysis generated by BIM before the actual physical construction takes place drastically helps eliminate uncertainties, simulate underlying impacts and in turn boost safety.

Offer an idea-gathering platform

The establishment of the Hong Kong Institute of Civil and Building Information Management (HKICBIM) serves with the aim of offering an idea-gathering platform where discussions and information sharing take place interactively, driving further utilization of BIM and promoting its favourableness with cheering expandability, particularly in the infrastructure sector.

More importantly, HKICBIM aims to advocate the adoption of BIM as early as when the life span of a project starts at its very beginning, i.e. the early design phase in which pre-analysis by BIM can benefit the project in saving cost and lessening remedial effort. Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF), for instance, has been presenting a highly comprehensive and symbolic BIM implementation in the civil aspect, yielding the advantages of BIM to the full.

Apply to both building & civil projects

As stakeholders from a wide range of disciplines are involved and in cooperation throughout a project, the benefits of BIM are enjoyed by each of these mutual-relying individuals. Architects, planners, surveyors, engineers, contractors, operators, owners and maintenance parties are able to contribute their own discipline-oriented data to one single shared model, while at the same time refer to and collect existing information for reference.

Despite the literal reference of BIM as Building Information Modelling, and given that the strengths and benefits of BIM have been earning undoubted appreciation, it is indeed of wise perception that the application of BIM should not only be confined to building industry but as well grow to contribute to the civil projects. Large-scale infrastructure projects diversely ranging from roads, bridges, tunnels to underground utilities share similar primary needs of information as building projects. It is of growing hope that the AEC industry can be encouraged to adopt BIM more widely and in turn enjoy its expanding benefits.

Provide best practice guidance

With multiple counterparts and disciplines involved in the adoption of BIM, it is no surprise that varying languages and definitions regarding BIM appear. HKICBIM hopes to provide a common platform for both civil and building counterparts to have their voices heard and replied, so that the expectation and practical application of BIM could develop in shared interest and knowledge. Also, HKICBIM wishes to provide best practice guidance for the industry to generate common BIM languages, such as accuracy requirement, level of details (LOD) and information requirement, in hope of achieving high management efficiency and speeded schedules of projects using BIM.

BIM has been profoundly bettering the industry with its beyond-limit excellence, and by founding HKICBIM, it is of sincere endeavour and vision that the practical use of BIM could be extended to civil projects so that its contribution could be made as much advantageous as possible, leading the industry with progressive steps and building Hong Kong as a smart city.




The Hong Kong Institute of Civil and Building Information Management (HKICBIM) is a non-profit organization focused on developing Hong Kong’s Civil and Building Information Modelling (BIM) profession and industry. It also aims to foster technological innovation and accelerate the adoption of Civil and Building Information Modelling in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) industry in Hong Kong.

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Standard Of Competence

To uphold and advance the standard of competence for the profession and to promote the interests and recognition of its members within the industry and community.

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Smart City

To contribute to the development of Smart City by integrating Civil BIM and other spatial data information which establish the fundamentals of the future’s Smart City.

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Better Info Management

To research, facilitate and promote the means of better management of civil and building information for improving communication, co-ordination, management, productivity, delivery time, cost, and quality throughout the whole building life cycle.

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Career Guidance

To provide guidance on careers in civil and building information management profession.

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Best Practice

To establish and advance standards of civil and building information management practice in the industry.

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Connection Building

To establish links with relevant institutes of tertiary education, government bureaus / departments, statutory bodies and other organizations.

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Membership Registration

Click here for details of qualifications for membership

1-Year Membership Fee: Professional Grade - $500 ; Associate Grade - $300 ; Student Grade - Free

From 1 January 2020, application policy would be started as follows: -
1) Application fee $100 (non-refundable) would be charged (for Professional & Associate Grade); Free (for Student Grade).
2) Application period would be limited to 6 months since the first notice from the Institute to the applicant.

About Us

The Hong Kong Institute of Civil and Building Information Management (HKICBIM) provides an informative platform for civil and building counterparts to network and exchange civil Building Information Modeling (BIM) knowledge. HKICBIM aims to foster technological innovation and accelerate the adoption of Civil and Building Information Modeling Management in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry.

The Articles and By-Laws set out the HKICBIM objectives of establishment, grades of membership, structure and management, professional conduct, and other rules relevant to conduct the affairs of HKICBIM. In addition, the By-Laws may be revised and supplemented periodically as and when necessary.

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