Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations

The Alliance is founded by three (3) associations (i.e., Hong Kong Geographic Information System Association (HKGISA), Hong Kong Institute of Civil and Building Information Management (HKICBIM) & The Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling (HKIBIM)) which are specialized in Information Management for Built Asset and Environment industries. The Alliance forms a platform to gather all experts and professionals in Information Management for sharing their experience and collaborating to develop cross-discipline information flow for a better integration of the use of information within our built asset industry.

The Alliance will expand to include organisations in Hong Kong which needs Information Management in Built Asset and Environment to enable fruitful development for the practical use in the nearest future.
The Alliance would not be just local. It will connect with the global arena in open information management to gain support on the latest development globally, while a huge demand in the standards in information management generated by the extensive use of BIM and GIS in Hong Kong may also create a great impact to the world. The Alliance will act as the bridge between the local and global community by becoming the Hong Kong Chapter of buildingSMART International (bSI).


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Membership Registration

Click here for details of qualifications for membership

1-Year Membership Fee: Professional Grade - $500 ; Associate Grade - $300 ; Student Grade - Free

From 1 January 2020, application policy would be started as follows: -
1) Application fee $100 (non-refundable) would be charged (for Professional & Associate Grade); Free (for Student Grade).
2) Application period would be limited to 6 months since the first notice from the Institute to the applicant.

Hong Kong Institute of Civil and Building Information Management (HKICBIM) is a newly formed institute which provides an informative platform for civil and building counterparts to network and exchange civil Building Information Modeling (BIM) knowledge. HKICBIM aims to foster technological innovation and accelerate the adoption of Civil and Building Information Modeling Management in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) industry.

The Articles and By-Laws set out the HKICBIM objectives of establishment, grades of membership, structure and management, professional conduct, and other rules relevant to conduct the affairs of HKICBIM. In addition, the By-Laws may be revised and supplemented periodically as and when necessary.

Download Articles & By-Laws