Message from Founding President for HKICBIM AGM 2019


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our committee during (2017-2019) as they have done great job and contributed a lot of their valuable time and effort in developing HKICBIM.

Including our HKICBIM establishment ceremony on 22-Sept-2017, our committee striving the hardest to promoting HKICBIM and meeting with Government, (Housing Department., Lands Department, Planning Department, and Water Supplies Department,) and Public Organization (Construction Industry Council and Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks).

We organized a wide distinct seminars and CPDs to our members: –

A remarkable CPD Seminar – Open BIM Forum (18-May-2018); afterwards, a constructive and high level of construction technological challenging CPD seminar “BIM Application sharing : Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) for architecture” (15-Feb-2019); a farsightedness seminar “New Era for Digital Construction” on 13-Jun-2019, followed by “Tips for getting CIC BIM Manager” on 21-Jun-2019.

In the view of developing student and youth, we delivered CPD “Introduction of BIM Development & Practical Implementation” to HKU students (22-Sep-2018) and recently plan for IVE students.

On training wise, HKICBIM is keen to encourage and support members to gain more professional training, we will keep obtaining exclusive offer discount for our members.

For industry Collaborations, HKICBIM has a roadmap to collaborate with other professional institutes of other disciplines such as Surveying, Engineering, BIM for joint CPD seminar, long term partnership, etc. (including RICS, HKIE, Lighthouse Club, Engineers Australia, etc.)

On developing membership, I’m inspiring and proud to announced that we are over +450 members now!!!

2017 2018 2019
156 260 454


Recently, HKICBIM + HKIBIM + HKGISA jointly formed – The Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (香港建設資產及環境信息管理聯盟), abbreviated as HKABAEIMA, to foster societal collaboration for smarter information management across built asset and environment.

Core Values:

Bold, Accountable, Embracing, Inclusive, Motivational, Agile

Civil BIM advancements bring BIM to the next stage by multiplying its benefits especially in challenging and large-scale infrastructure project. This platform has enhanced collaboration of varies stakeholders to import, acquire and exchange valuable information.”

To sum up, we are entering a new era for Digital Construction, with new technology and fast track construction.  Let’s Move A Step Forward With Advancing Construction Technology!

Best Regards,
Sr Michael Wong
Founding President
The Hong Kong Institute of Civil and Building Information Management

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Click here for details of qualifications for membership

1-Year Membership Fee: Professional Grade - $500 ; Associate Grade - $300 ; Student Grade - Free

From 1 January 2020, application policy would be started as follows: -
1) Application fee $100 (non-refundable) would be charged (for Professional & Associate Grade); Free (for Student Grade).
2) Application period would be limited to 6 months since the first notice from the Institute to the applicant.

Hong Kong Institute of Civil and Building Information Management (HKICBIM) is a newly formed institute which provides an informative platform for civil and building counterparts to network and exchange civil Building Information Modeling (BIM) knowledge. HKICBIM aims to foster technological innovation and accelerate the adoption of Civil and Building Information Modeling Management in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) industry.

The Articles and By-Laws set out the HKICBIM objectives of establishment, grades of membership, structure and management, professional conduct, and other rules relevant to conduct the affairs of HKICBIM. In addition, the By-Laws may be revised and supplemented periodically as and when necessary.

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